Whelped: November 28, 2001

Bubbles X Kruse

Bubbles delivers a bundle of beautiful yellow puppies  BubKrupups .  See a video: BubKruPups. All pups are sweet and fun loving with no fear. Black Rock Bubbles Burst "Bubbles" JH, CGC, WC  Bubbles(y) X  CH Hunt Club Sho N Tail Risky Business (y) "KRUSE" kruse_1

Video: Tugowar at 7 weeks (Bahama and Bubbles)

8/26/05   It's been a while since I sent you any pictures of Bahama, so I couldn't resist this chance to update you. I don't know if this will be a first for one of your dogs or not, but Bahama was the flower girl in our daughter wedding August 13, 2005. Needless to say, she got lots of looks as she can down the isle with the ring bearer. As usual, she was very well behaved and just layed down when she got to the front of the church. I've attached two files of her and one with the ring bearer rest on top of her after the ceremony. Best Regards, Tom Nash

Bahama8wks -Black Rock Bahama at 8 weeks at Black Rock Farms, Kirklin, IN   12/8/02 Just thought you would like an update on Bahama. We go to this wild life sanctuary on Saturday mornings for 1 - 2 hour walks. This morning, Bahama scared up about a dozen wild turkeys. She also spends plenty of time with me in my office. She loves to chew. You can tell from this picture, stuffed animals don't last long with Bahama. Bahama and I graduated from basic obedience class in late October. Most of the teachers thought she was one of the best looking yellows they had ever seen. Bahama seems very well adjusted to living here now. She seems just as happy visiting Susan mom's house for Sunday lunch. She also scored big points with our daughter. Bahama goes wild every time Jill comes home from Wheaton for a visit. Tom Nash - Illinois

BlackRockRileyCox with Sandy, Jenna and Kristy Cox from Eaton, IN. Riley has adjusted very well to our other dog(JAZZ)! He is doing great potty training and sleeping in his crate! He seems to enjoy the cornfields...he loves the corn shucks. He is sleeping now and Kristy always puts him to sleep when he seems tired. Well, just letting you know that he love him so much!!!!Thanks. Thought we would update you on how Rileys is doing...He's a sweetie, We have taken him to a lot of softball game's and everyone loves him! Thanks for this Great Puppy !!! Kristy, Sandy and Jenna

Black Rock Hank - I just wanted to check in with you today and let you know that we made it home safe and sound and "Hank" (name for the moment) is doing wonderful. He whinned some last night, but I think he was really tired. This a.m. I took him out with me to feed the horses and introduce him to a couple of them. The look on his face was priceless, I can only imagine what is going thru his mind. Then we went on a foggy drizzly morning walk. He was so good and stayed right at my feet. He explored the creek and the waded into the pond a few inches. We really enjoyed ourselves. I will keep you posted on his progress. Thanks so much for doing your homework and breeding such a wonderful puppy! He is everything and more that we had hoped for and well worth the wait:) Lisa Metheny - Farmersburg, IN.

Black Rock Maxi BubXKrubit at Aliff Labs.  Just wanted to let you guys know that Maxi is doing great. Her and Lady are getting along very well. Except Lady gets a little jealous when she thinks I am paying more attention to Maxi. Tim Aliff of Aliff Labs - Thorntown, IN.

ChristmasRileyKids 12/17/02 Hope you guys have a great Holiday! Riley is doing great. His only flaw is he will eat anything that he finds on the ground so we watch him very carefully. He had minor surgery in Santa Barbara after he gobbled down an athletic sock when we noticed it in his mouth. We weren't sure it would pass on it's own. Better safe than sorry (-$800) oof.   Riley gets walked everyday around the neighborhood and is extremely social. He is the best behaved, friendliest and most peaceful dog we have ever had. If Margret had to choose between me and Riley, I think I would have to go! The pictures are of when he was about 2.5-3 months and recent where we just celebrated his 1 year Birthday. Also, Kelsey (age 10) and Chris (age 8) on our front porch last week. By the way, he weighs about 70 pounds and is extremely healthy and happy.  Peter B. McWilliams, Senior Vice President, Manager, Colliers Seeley International

Updated 8/27/03 at 3:10 a.m.
